Showing posts with label the spoon theory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the spoon theory. Show all posts

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Spoon Theory and grasping what FMS is like

Though the spoon theory was originally written about having lupus it accurately describes what a lot of people with "invisible diseases" go through on a daily basis. Often people with neurological illnesses or internal illnesses dont necessarily manifest their sickness on the outside. This means to the average person they dont "look sick" even though they may be suffering on a moment by moment basis every day. I often have to explain to people that I can no longer do a lot of the things that i used to do before I got diagnosed, such as go for a run, play sports, go out drinking all night in smoky bars, staying up late and getting up early, the list goes on and on. I pay dearly for each choice I make every day and I must choose wisely or I will pay dearly, My days take planning and I dont cope well any longer with changes in plans or quick invites to go do something at the last minute. I cant just hop out of bed and go meet friends for breakfast on a sunday morning. I need to know the day before so i can get plenty of rest and get up in time to go through my hour + long ritual of getting ready and getting moving before I get out the door. The spoon theory has become my easy simple way of sharing with I go through with people. So..... here it is for you to read at your leisure.